Friday, July 27, 2012

Piece of Cake


  1. I am definitely still thinking about your email.
    And I might not want to be a lighting specialist.

    But I really want to learn lighting because light is so important to creating depth and to creating worlds.
    And I want to create worlds and I want to add depth to my illustrations/paintings.
    And I think lighting plays a large role in making those worlds seem believable.

    I get frustrated sometimes because I don't really understand the physics of light sometimes. And when i get stuck it's hard for me to push through. But I actually sat down and tried to figure it out with this painting.
    I actually asked Paul a lot of lighting questions.
    "would light do this?" and I guess he took the time to show me to make me understand.
    And I think I have to start doing that even though it takes me longer than an hour.

    Thanks for reading this.

  2. Yeah. It's looking much better. The lighting makes total sense in this one. Be aware of the shape though. Sine it's an oval shape both the highlight and the shadow side will gradually change their values. Right now you almost handled it like a cube with a highlight side and a shadow side. Light and shadows would wrap around the shape.
    Also if you do these exercises make sure to think about the color harmony too. Pick colors that make sense.
    A green wall like that is not very common and it's easy that the painting becomes less believable. Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable in that room? I'm sure you did it because you didn't just want a white wall. But it might be good to practice it with a more believable environment. It's also easier to evaluate if something looks wrong if it is something you have seen a million times.

    Make sure to pick a more interesting perspective too. This angle gives you almost no room to explore how shadows are cast on surfaces.

    But I can definitely see that you were thinking in this one.

  3. Thanks for the notes.

    I was choosing kind of crazy colors maybe to be more creative and less ordinary.
    But I'll choose more realistic colors so I can focus more on the lighting.
    And I'll choose a different angle next time.

    And thinking more about your email.
    I think that I get frustrated in painting when I don't understand the way the light will work.
    I get frustrated then discouraged and that kind makes me stop painting or posting.
    I don't attack the painting when I get discouraged...I tend to take more of a step back.

    And the frustration comes when I want to be creating worlds but at this point I still don't understand the basic lighting physics or painting ideas...
    Have you ever felt this way? And how did you handle it?

  4. Of course I felt this way. Nothing comes to you naturally. Everything involves practice.
    Whenever I felt like I don't understand things I was trying harder to figure it out. Are you watching the olympics? The gymnast girls for example sacrifice their whole live for that sport and they win gold. If they wouldn't have practiced whenever they could, they wouldn't have been able to make it to the Olympics. That's what I meant with "it all depends on how bad you want it". You won't get anything for free and you have to be willing to pay the price which in this case is practice practice practice.
    If you get discouraged and stop you won't learn anything. If you get discouraged and keep going you will keep improving gradually. Unfortunately there is no easy way.

  5. Of course you're right.
    There definitely is no easy way.
    And thank you for encouraging me and calling me out when I slack off.

    It's funny, I didn't think my response would be shying away
    or being discouraged when painting became hard.
    You definitely made me realize that I do that.

    Thank you for also taking this blog on.
    I know you probably didn't want to sign up to do all this work.
    And I feel bad because you have invested your free time.
    You've helped me so much and I really appreciate all your words of wisdom.
