Monday, July 23, 2012

Building Shadow


  1. I kind of rushed the building shadow a little bit.
    This took me longer than an hour.
    The shadow color isn't dark enough and the shape could be pushed more.

  2. You are definitely much better at your paintings from reference.

    In the chair painting below you prolly got carried away by the
    details. That weren't focusing on the lighting.
    You are still doing very complicated objects. round reflective objects or flowers etc. Those are not easy objects to paint. I would find something easier that you can easily stylize too. Like books, your speakers on your desk, etc.

    You might wanna paint the same reference scene again but
    out of memory and add something to it. A red newspaper box
    or a fire hydrant. And see how much you can remember from this
    That might let you focus more on light direction.

  3. Ok, that sounds good.
    I think I'm getting too frustrated on not rendering the objects correctly too.

    I'll definitely do more simple objects.
    Thanks, Goro!

    And thanks for still checking and commenting on this blog.
    I know progress is slow but your comments keep me motivated and help a lot!

  4. Thank you!
    I just saw the paint over.
    I also just updated it on the last painting.
    Thanks for taking the time.
