Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cubes and Rectangles


  1. I added some harsh lines. I could have graded them out a little bit.
    Like the dark line separating the right side and left side.
    And the highlight could have been softened a little bit.

  2. This is an example of a top lit cube.

  3. I did a few more lighting experiments...nothing too complex with other cubes and colors.

  4. It's good that you stayed saturated in the highlights.

    Although the red cube doesn't make sense.
    The cube is throwing a shadow to the screen left but the darkest plane of the cube is on the screen right. If the cube is throwing a shadow to the screen left the darkest plane of the cube has to be the one facing the same way as the shadow since that side gets the least amount of light.

    The edges of the cubes facing the light should be the brightest points which you partially painted correctly but right next to the highlight you have a dark outline which shouldn't be there.

    Also watch the shadow shape. (On the bottom two) The shadows are way too wide compared to the size of the cubes.
    Take a shoe box or something and light it with a lamp and see how the shadow shapes change according to the angle the light.
    Maybe you should do some life studies. Set up a still life just with boxes and try to paint it.

    On the striped cube I'm assuming you wanted to paint white stripes. The stripes look light blue to me. In this setting especially with the warm ground the white would be a lot warmer. Also the highlight side is not consistent. The two outer green stripes are much brighter than the two in the center which throws me off.

    I think paintings from life will help you. And do some studies from references again.

  5. The funny thing is that I was using life reference for the first two cubes.
    But my table was more reflective than I though and it caused a little confusion.

    I'll do more life studies tomorrow and put a white piece of paper down so I can see the shadow lines.
    I think the reflection of the light back onto the box made it hard for me to see the highlights etc.
    I'll try it again tomorrow on a bigger table with white paper.

    The blue and white box was the only one I did without reference.
    The bright green stripes were supposed to be highlights. from the edge of the cube.
    I guess the light wouldn't hit the edges like that?
