Thursday, August 2, 2012

More Rockets


  1. This was a painting from reference to practice outside lighting on different materials.
    I'm trying to practice how the light reflects of the metal and see what shadows are cast.

  2. When you do paintings from reference don't forget about scale relationships.
    Now you can see the colors pretty accurately you can also shift the focus more on other things like scale. Look how small the lamp poles are in the background. They are super thin and also not as dark. Your horizon line has a dark line which makes the groundplane look flat. Theyr shouldn't be a dark line at the horizon. Try to find pictures that are not processed. The sky is only dark in the corners because the photographer put a vigniette on top of the picture to bring the focus more to the center of the image. So find references that are not so obviously enhanced.

  3. Ok, I will find more reference images that aren't so photoshoped.
    The background elements were definitely a second thought. whoops!
    Will focus on those more the next time I paint from reference.
