Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Little Girl


  1. I know this one isn't really a lighting study.
    More of a character one and color one.
    But I wanted to know what you thought.
    And even though it's not a lighting study maybe I could get your notes on how to add more general lighting to this illustration.

    Thanks for any thoughts.

  2. It looks cute.
    I can't really tell you how to add general lighting since that's a very broad topic. There is so many different ways
    to approach illustration. So it really depends on what style you are aiming for.

    I think it all comes down to what you really want from your heart. With this stuff you can probably get into children's books. Ask yourself again what you really want.
    Do you want to do characters, get good at lighting, drawing etc. What is your goal?

    As a kid I used to play the trumpet. I thought I wanted to play it but it was not easy. So I was practicing because my teacher and my parents made me but I didn't "want" to practice. I just wanted to be able to play like one of my classmates (who is a professional musician now).
    Looking back I realized that I always practiced because my parents made me or because I had a concert coming up and I didn't wanna fail miserably. But it was never coming from my heart. Practicing always felt like homework or a mandatory assignment I didn't really enjoy. At some point I noticed that and stopped because you have to enjoy what you do even if it's discouraging sometimes.

    With painting I really wanted it from my heart. Same with animation. There wasn't a single day I went without painting or animating cause I wanted it. I wanted it so bad that every wall I ran into made me stronger. Of course I didn't always enjoy what I was painting but I was always on fire never considering to stop.

    Dance is something I like doing from my heart too. Definitely less than art and animation but I always enjoy it when I do it. I still go to breakdance class every week in the city even if it's a long ass commute and I practice every morning at the gym.

    When I look at your paintings and reading your comments I can see your frustration. I makes me feel that you are doing the paintings because you "have to" rather than you "want to". And that is a huge difference.
    It seems to me that you are not enjoying it as much as you did characters.
    But enjoying is they key. And you definitely always have to try new things to figure out what you "really" want.
    So maybe sit back and think about it for a while. What is it what you wanna do.

  3. Thanks for this message.
    I'm letting everything soak in.
    I'm hearing what your saying...and just thinking about it.

    Thank you.
