Friday, June 29, 2012



  1. So I posted a diagram and it's pretty similar to the one you posted below.
    I just wanted to make sure that I was thinking about the lighting in the same way.

    I think the pages of the book could have been brighter.
    Maybe I could have added more pops to the rose on the right side.

  2. I think this one is more successful in terms of light direction the previous one was better in the sense of shading. Your vase appears flat cause the light is not affecting the form of the vase.
    The vase is round but the way it's shaded is if it was a flat piece of paper.
    Really think about in what angle light hits surface.
    Also watch your perspective. The table is slanting to the bottom right. It looks like it's bending.
    Maybe you should work with a cube next time so you don't get too distracted by getting the drawing right. Just light a cube on a plain surface and try to light it.

  3. Ok, I will try that.
    Basics...I guess I haven't done that in a while.
    I feel like I've lost what I've learned in MIDDLE SCHOOL! eeek.

    Trying not to feel discouraged or like I'm 10 yrs old.

    Thanks for the notes. Will do a cube next!
