Tuesday, June 19, 2012



  1. This took me forever...longer than an hr.
    There are several things...I should def stay looser especially for these exercises ...
    I think the SL side should go darker and into more of a grad.
    I don't think the rays of light are very believable.
    I'm not sure if the wall color is correct.
    I think I'd push the wall darker too.
    It doesn't feel warm and sunny.
    I don't think I chose the right colors.
    Interested in getting your notes.

  2. ps. I didn't get too stylized with the design. I could have pushed that as well.

  3. Thanks, Goro!
    I just got your paint over notes....eek.
    Yeah, I think that painting was actually harder for me than I thought it was going to be.
    It's funny that you mentioned the 3d aspect...I totally lost sight of that.

    I'll try the painting that you suggested.
    Thank you so much for the notes. I'm just rereading and trying to absorb them.
    Thank you!!!
