Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Flower Series


  1. Let's try this again!
    I think I should have made the bloom brighter on the vase.
    I used a bright blue...but maybe I should have use a bright green?

    I tried to reverse the lighting scenario so I couldn't copy exactly from the corrections you had made in the last paintover.

    I think I should research how light effects certain materials like wood, rose petals. My rose petals could have been more translucent.

  2. It is definitely much better than before.
    But I can see you are still unsure about where the light is coming from. Did you draw the arrow for the light direction?
    According to the shadow of the vase on the wall the right side
    of the tabletop should be instead of being in shadow.
    Same with the left side of the books.
    Is the vase supposed to be clear solid color?

  3. The funny thing is that I did draw the arrow. eek.
    So the light is coming from the SR side (in the middle of the wall)
    Whoops I guess the shadow should have been brighter towards the SR side.
    That makes more sense.

    Should the left side of the books been more bright?
    And the vase is supposed to be solid white.
    I used lighter blue because I thought the vase would pick up some of the bounce from the blue wall.

    That means the table SR corner should have been brighter too?

  4. Hahaha!

    Working on another painting should be posting today!

  5. Hey that was a real question lol what do you mean by SR???

    Anyway you've got mail.

  6. Oh I mean screen right side. =P
    But I'm just reading your email now.

    Thank you for all the notes!

  7. K I was like "South Right...." "Side Right"....doesn't make sense...what does she mean....lol

  8. hahaha!

    I just read through your email.
    Great notes, thank you. The diagram was super helpful.
    I totally understood your notes and everything made sense...I just need to learn how to think about that when I first approach a painting.

    I'm just trying to absorb everything.
    I'll def post your paint overs 2morrow and organize my paintings.
    I know you've said that one before.

    Thanks for all the help!
