Sunday, June 17, 2012



  1. This didn't come out as I pictured in my mind.
    It's been over 30 mins and I was focused more on design than color.
    The sky should have been more purple and blue and there should
    be more of a grad.

    I'll try this one again. I focused on creating a style vs trying to make the colors realistic.
    Will try this again.

  2. Yeah....tackle things one by one. It's always hard to work on more than a couple of things.

    When you do things like this, think about material properties and local color. This seems more like an abstract painting to me. It's hard for me to tell what I'm looking at.
    Is that grass on the bottom? Are those triangle shapes trees? Are the trees growing on ice? (cause it looks like a reflective surface and slightly translucent) Is the zig zag in the sky clouds?
    So definitely keep in mind if you can tell what you are painting. If the local color reads etc.

    Play with light in shadow more like in your ref painting with the fruits. Maybe next you could try designing a children's mobile hanging from the ceiling half in shadow half catching light. It's always good to try to recreate a similar lighting scenario from what you painted before but changing the subject and the colors.

  3. So when you talk about local color, what does that mean in a painting like this?
    Where the colors and objects are way more stylized?

    Will do the mobile hanging.
    That makes sense to practice with the reference paintings, I'll try and recreate those scenarios.
    Thanks, Goro!!

  4. By local color I mean the color of the elements in neutral light. So for example if you have a Skunk: the local colors are black and white. If you paint a moon lit scene those colors won't be black and white. It will probably be something dark blue and lighter blue but they read as black and white because of the lighting you create. So even in different lighting scenarios you can guess the local color.

    In this painting I have a hard time to guess what material and color each element has. If the ground is grass then I would think that the sky would be overcast. If you have a blue sky like this the ground wouldn't be so desaturated and cool.
    The trees look blue to me although I guess they supposed to appear green. The hill where the trees are growing looks like ice since it is way brighter than the ground and the trees.
    So looking at this painting I cannot really tell what each element is made out of. Even if it's stylized it's important that the colors make sense.

    hmm..kind of hard to explain...but is it clearer now?

  5. Ah...ok. Yeah that makes sense now.
    I think when I do more it'll make more sense too.
    The skunk example made sense to me.

