Friday, June 15, 2012

Tunnel Top


  1. I'm trying to stay a little bit more loose.
    This one was really hard because of the texture of the stucco.
    I didn't add those small details in.

  2. I think it's also harder to analyze the brighter colors for me.

  3. Don't worry about texture for now. It's good that you keep it simpler. It's more important to understand what light really does.
    The shadows of the columns seems to get darker and darker in your piece. But they supposed to get lighter with distance.
    Also be aware of scale dependent on the distance. The column shadow in the far distance becomes almost a thin line while the shadow stripes in your painting don't seem to decrease in size with distance.

  4. Oh, I see what your saying about the colors in the shadows in the distance.
    I feel like I am understand basic lighting concepts but the more complicated ones still trip me
    up a little bit.
    Will work on that.

    Thanks for the notes, these help!
