Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Testing the Ocean


  1. I know things look a little flat in this one.
    It was a quick blocking pass.
    Do you think the sun highlights are the right color?
    Am I not adding enough sky fill into the boat?

    Thanks for your notes!!

  2. yeah kind of hard to tell without the reference image.
    Or was this one without reference?

    There is no sky ground relationship. The sky doesn't separate from the ground. In most cases the sky will be brighter than the ground. Your mountain range in the back is brighter than the sky which only happens with snow on mountains.

    If it's supposed to be a white boat it will reflect a lot more blue from the water. The warm highlight doesn't make sense when the rest stays cool.It looks like the background is overcast 6pm and the boat is sunset clear sky 7:30pm.
    If you do a painting from scratch avoid water for now. It's too complicated. Choose a farm house on a corn field or something.

    Keep it up!

  3. Yeah, this one was just a sketch with no reference.
    I'll choose something more simple next time.

    Thanks for the feedback.
    When you paint do you alway use ref?

  4. At work yes. For my personal work not always.
