Friday, April 20, 2012

Temple - Revisited


  1. I tried this one again.
    The perspective is way off.
    And it was hard to simplify some of the details.
    That probably took the longest.

    Should I spend more than an hour on a painting?
    Or still try and keep it an hour to 30 mins?

  2. Looking good. One of your best so far. (lighting wise)
    Keep it to an hour max cause it's about eliminating your flaws bit by bit. If you spend too long on one painting you will forget what you are doing wrong.
    You gotta keep painting though. Otherwise you will lose your skills as fast as you picked them up. Until you reach a certain comfortable level you have to keep practicing.

  3. I definitely need to be more strict with practicing. Sometimes I get distracted with other projects.
    But I will try harder.
    Thanks for all your comments!
