Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Attempting Greece


  1. I definitely need to work on the sky grad.
    I didn't have time to get into too many details.
    I tried to focus on the grad in the shadows.

    I definitely think the color is off in the bloom in the sky.
    It feels more peach than pink and bright orange.
    I think I also could have focused more on the color and painting vs
    trying to get the style that I liked.

    How do you think I should have approached the sky?

  2. you did a great job on the foreground. When I squint my eyes it totally looks natural like a photo. Keep the sky simple. Just paint a gradient with a big soft edged round brush. No sharp edges like you did. It becomes hard to recognize it as a sky.

  3. Ok, will do on the sky.
    This one was actually frustrating because I lost the original painting after 30 mins so I had to start over. It sucks when photoshop crashes.

    Thanks for the notes!
