Thursday, April 26, 2012

Snow Day


  1. The perspective of the house is off.
    And this was an hour.
    I think I could have fixed the shape of the trees and house better.
    I was focused on the color of shadows on the house but I didn't get a chance to add in the grads.

  2. Pretty good. But I maybe pull back from using the lasso tool too much. If you rely on that too much you will not get used to drawing things. So do some more freehand paintings even if it takes longer in the beginning you will get faster.

    Pay even more attention to light and shadow. See how you made the shadow side on the left side of the house way too bright. If you squint your eyes the shadow side of the house doesn't differ much from the shadow side of the roof. Same note for the tree shadows.
    And as I said you gotta force yourself to paint more.
    Do more than one a day if you feel like it.
    And make it a routine for every day.
    Let it be the first thing you do after breakfast with an hour time limit. The daily routine is very important for improvement. otherwise you will stand still. The moment you stop, it becomes easier to stop again. To a point where you will quit.
    I've seen it happening many times. So if you really want it you need to commit and make it a routine.

    I know how hard it is cause I went through the same process myself. But in the end your endurance will separate you from others.

  3. I totally see the shadows now.
    I will definitely be more committed to the paintings.
    I feel a little discouraged because I don't see a big improvement.
    Sometimes I feel like I'll never get there.
    But I know you're going to say it's because I don't practice....and you're right.
    It's just discouraging sometimes.

    But I definitely see color differently now.
    And know more than I did before I started these paintings.
    Thanks to your comments.

    I'll force myself to be more consistent with these paintings.
    Thanks, Goro!
