Friday, May 25, 2012



  1. There should be more grads in the mountains in the bkgr.
    And there is too much contrast in the foregroudn grass.
    The hills behind the telephone poles are too dark.
    I should have added more haze on the hills

  2. you basically pointed everything out.
    Ask yourself why though. That's very important to understand the value relationships.

  3. Can you tell me if I'm analyzing this correctly? Thank you!!!

    I think the mtns in the bg should be softer or pushed back because they are farther away in the distance.
    I think the hills in the foreground area should have more of a grad because the sun light is hidden behind clouds. There is no direct sunlight on the hills.
    And the telephone poles should be pushed back because there is haze from the sun rise.

  4. yeah pretty much. When you paint your own paintings you have to think of those things. If you just paint straight ahead without thinking a lot of things won't make sense.

    Before I paint I think of these things.
    What mood are you trying to achieve. How will you achieve it? Where is the main light source. How is the main light source affecting all the elements in the picture? Am I telling a story? How can I emphasize the story with the way I paint. How can I lead the eye etc.

    When I practiced from reference I always tried to understand what's going on in the picture. Anybody can copy a picture
    but not everybody thinks about what is going on behind the curtains.
