Friday, May 11, 2012



  1. The proportions of the hydrant are way squished and I got a little carried away with the details in the hydrant.
    I didn't get a chance to block out the other elements in the photo.

    Next time I'll try and block everything out first.
    The blues and greens were hard to decipher in this photo.
    The shadow colors were def varied because of the cement color.

    Do you think I should have used more variation in the sun highlights?

  2. It's looking pretty good! Most important I can see the sunlight. That's a big step forward. And I like that you noticed the shadow color difference on the ground with the darker and lighter concrete. This one was a good exercise because it shows you how many variations of values you have on the highlight and shadow sides. Good job!

  3. I liked focusing on one main object.
    It was easier to focus on the light and the way it was reflecting off the material.
