Friday, May 18, 2012



  1. I didn't add grads in the shadows and now that I've posted it I should have added them. I just didn't have time.
    There were a lot more details that I'd like to work on but it was going over the hour mark.

    Would you add the shadow grads?

  2. There are always countless ways to approach your paintings. You need to find the way that works best for you. I approach each reference slightly different dependent on the lighting scenario. In this case I would worry about the gradients later. Watch the values carefully. See how much darker the trees are compared to the shadows? You painted the shadows almost as dark as the trees.
    And notice how warm and saturated the leaves on the left hand side appear that get directly hit by the sunlight.
    There is also not a clear separation between path and off path. It's a smooth transition. Your transition is a too sharp.
    This one was a tough one so don't worry about it and move on.

    Now paint a white house with a red/brown roof on a cornfield or green hills with blue sky and direct sunlight hitting one side of the house. The house will cast a shadow on the ground.
    Do that without reference an try to apply all the knowledge you collected from practicing from reference.

    -Where is the key light
    -Where is the bounce light
    -where and what color has the fill light
    -how does the house cast shadows

