Monday, May 6, 2013

Central Park

sketch and lighting direction 


  1. Hey Goro,

    I've started up again!
    Let's see how long this lasts!
    Hopefully a long time.

    I left the foreground open because I want to add a character there but I didn't have time to integrate it.
    I might try that next time.

    The sky blue might be a little more red. What do you think?


  2. Wohoo!

    I can see clear separation between light and shadow which is good but there are a couple of things that you missed.
    Objects don't cast extra shadows when they are already in shadow. The lamp posts on the left are in the shadow of the trees so they won't cast a shadow because they are not receiving any direct light. Also watch the scale of the lamp posts. The ones on the right are much farther away so they should get much smaller. Right now they would be gigantic and the distance between each post should be smaller because of the way they are converging in perspective. You would see more of them too.

    The lit area of the concrete would be much warmer in this type of lighting scenario. warm vs cool in the shadows. So you can push the shadows a bit more into blue and the highlight side would be a warmer grey. Look at this reference for example:

    Remember to always pick some reference to look at.
    Keep going!


  3. It's funny but Paul made the same comments about the double shadow. Whoops!
    Ok, I'll watch that the next time.

    I definitely did not have cement reference. I'll get more ref next time.
    Thanks for the feedback!
    All super helpful.
