Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hong Kong

updated version


  1. I think I brighten up the right side of the painting.
    I tried to focus more on the style of the buildings.
    I also tried to show the sun direction in this painting.

    Maybe the sky is too abstract?

  2. Too me it looks like it is all front lit. Front lit scenarios are really hard to paint and not very forgiving cause you can't see the shadows.
    So try to choose more obvious light directions.
    Most of the times buildings are darker than the sky. unless they get hit by really strong sunlight.
    The sky could be a lot more saturated. I won't say that it is too abstract.

    What you should also take into account is how far everything is apart from each other. Is the grass in the front a grass hill or trees? are the buildings growing out of the trees or are the buildings much further away? I that case they would be much more in haze with less contrast because of the atmospheric perspective.

    What is the thing in the right corner? Is that a road? In that case the perspective is off. You won't see the road cause the horizon line is so low.

    So it's also important to think about scale relationships, distance
    etc. I know it's hard but try too keep those things in mind too.

    Keep it up you're improving a lot lately.

  3. I used reference for this one as well.
    I should post it next time.
    I used the image for building reference.
    I left out certain elements in the image.

    The freeway does look funny.
    I'm going to try and rework this one too.
    Hopefully it will look better.

    And next time I'll choose more of an angle that can cast some lighting shadows.
    I just thought maybe this was something a little different (light wise and perspective wise) to try and paint.

    Thanks for the notes!

  4. ps. trying to wrap up wedding projects as well as painting sorry if I'm slow to post. But will keep on posting for sure. Thanks for the notes they are always encouraging!
