Friday, September 7, 2012

Hong Kong


  1. I spent a long time on this one.
    It feels like some of the proportions are off in the buildings and in the signs. I'm still trying to figure things out.

    I wanted to simplify the trains more. But the proportions are off in the windows. I like how some of the shadow areas are simplified.
    It hasn't come together yet, tho.

  2. Yeah there you go! This one is a huge leap forward. I can really see the light working. It doesn't matter if it takes long as long as you know what you're doing. It looks like you did a lot of right decisions instead of getting lost in details. So did you have any light reference or is everything out of memory? A few things you should pay attention to.

    All time favorite "Light Direction" The sun is comming from the upper left corner but the building on the right is casting a shoadow to the left towards the light. That doesn't make sense. The street should be all in light. Also while the street is receiving a shadow your white markings on the ground aren't.

    Perspective. I know perspective is hard but if you paint something like this try to be more
    accurate about vanishing points. There are several different vanishing points in this piece
    while it should really just have one. So be careful that you are not too off.
    A little off is ok :)

    Overall this is your best piece so far! Keep going.

  3. I think I'll revisit this one again.
    I did use some reference but it was mainly for the building position.
    And there was an element that I didn't add into this painting.
    There was scaffolding above the right side that was casting the shadow.
    I think there were too many elements and I thought maybe I could get away with the building being off the painting and casting a shadow. That didn't work.

    The buses too were giving me some issues.
    I'll try to rework the buses, I wasn't totally happy with the style of them either.
    And I totally for got the shadows on the white lines.

    I'll try to make some updates on this one based off of your notes and then we'll see if I can improve it.

    Thanks for all the helpful notes!
