Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blue House


  1. Watch the values of the tree stems the further they are away from the camera the lighter they will become. In your painting all the stems have the same value. Always consider the atmospheric perspective.
    Also what is the local color of the house? Is it intended to be aqua color or is it bounce light from the sky on a white wall?
    The light is coming from the left so the window side wall would be much brighter.
    Also watch the perspective. See how the trees are converging to one point. The roof and the bottom of the house should be converging to the same vanishing point.

  2. I think this blogger is acting up, I just replied twice and it didn't upload. Hope you get this!

    The local of the house is aqua but it sounds like I the color I picked was too bright or washed out? I tried to pick a less saturated "aqua" because it was further away from camera.

    I see how the roof looks funny!
    Thank you for all your notes!!
