Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grey Pug

I think the highlights aren't saturated enough. I could have made the local color more saturated. I tried to focus on the bringing the local color back into the table leg and the dog highlights.


  1. The table leg looks awesome! I think it's the best color choice you have done since you started your blog.
    Everything else feels a bit muddy.
    The ground highlights are still too cool and the shadow area not dark enough. It's also hard to read the color of the wall in the back. But I think you are getting the idea. Good job on the table leg I'm serious :D

  2. Thanks, Goro!
    That means there is some progress. haha. yay.
    I'm going to try and focus on what I did with the table leg moving forward.
    I will simplify the color choices I make.
    Thank you for the feedback!
