Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fruits Part Duex

I used the same reference as the image below. I wanted to try the colors again.
I added the  bottle it was supposed to be metal not glass. This time I chose more shadow colors to fill in the fruits. I think the highlights could be punched up more though. 

(awesome revised painting by Goro Fujita)

Friday, May 9, 2014


I think the highlights could get more bright.
I skipped the metal cup altogether. Too many things to focus on. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Grey Pug

I think the highlights aren't saturated enough. I could have made the local color more saturated. I tried to focus on the bringing the local color back into the table leg and the dog highlights.

Friday, May 2, 2014


To me the lighting is mid-day and sunny.
The sky is blue and there are little or no clouds.
The sun feels pretty high because the highlights seem blown out a bit. 
I thought I'd try and bring out more of the local color in the bird. 
But something feels off about the sun side of the bird.

Goro Paint Over (thank you!)